Those of you who are weavers, that work with plant materials you grow and gather yourself, likely understand that building a fine basket takes a lot of time. Sometimes it’s freeing to allow oneself to do a type of work that isn’t about the perfection of the weaving, but instead is more about allowing beautiful materials to breath, to gesture, like … [Read more...]
The Harvest Baskets Are Available
Every year, as the final leaves are loosened from their limbs, my husband Paul the mighty pruner, goes out in all sorts of inclimate weather through our short winter months, and clips the branches I love to use for making ribbed baskets. It is a great relationship really. He loves to be outside pruning in the dark winter months, and I love to be … [Read more...]
Artist in Residence at IslandWood
This March I was delighted to spend two weeks as an Artist in Residence at IslandWood, a 'School in the Woods' on Bainbridge Island, just a ferry ride away from the city of Seattle. I worked with competent, considerate 5th graders from Aberdeen, Bremerton, and Mercer Island; and junior-high/high school age students from Seattle and … [Read more...]