Story & Photography by Bethany Goodrich, 2009 Bethany Goodrich is a multimedia storyteller living, loving and working in Southeast Alaska. She has worked around the globe, from Antarctica to Ghana, exploring how thoughtful story sharing can positively impact our communities, … [Read more...]
Art in the Woods Nov 11-13
Hi friends and fellow artists. I am working on commissions and creating new work with Pacific Northwest plant fibers which will be available this November 11,12,and 13 at Sydni Sterling's Studio and gallery, in Indianola, Washington, as a part of the 2016 Art In The Woods Studio Tour. In 2017, I will be writing a workbook/resource for … [Read more...]
Grateful for Wonderful Students
I've been meaning to catch up on blogging, but life has its way! Between a bumper crop of raspberries and Marionberries to pick, regular harvesting of our produce, family gatherings, and a lovely hike in the Olympics with friends, I've been silent! I hope to remedy this beginning now, with some entries that are retrospective of the past year or … [Read more...]
Wild Twined Baskets July 19 Class
Here are four versions of one basic twined basket pattern I'll be teaching this Saturday. Using different materials gives lots of variety. The largest basket here, done in an open weave, uses grapevine. The smallest is mostly lavender stems, ivy and akebia vine. The two middle sized are ivy, Iris leaves, New Zealand flax, cedar limb bark, with … [Read more...]
IslandWood Students 2014
This May I had the opportunity to bring a freshly cut Western Red Cedar tree with me to IslandWood so the young people I worked with each week could learn first hand why this tree has been, and still is, so highly valued by the Local First Peoples whose ancestors have lived along the rivers and shorelines of the Pacific Northwest for thousands of … [Read more...]