Gallery: Wall Pieces Swimmers, view 4 Swimmers, view 3 Swimmers, view 2 Swimmers, view 1 Spring Pealed Hazelnut Limbs & Inner Cedar Bark McCroskey-Story’s Wild Cherry on Bull Kelp For My Teacher - First Cedar Form Cedar Wall Pouch on Grapevine Wild Cherry on Bull Kelp Shigley’s Wall of Grass Cedar bark & Plum limbs with cedar button Cedar Form on Beaver Stick The Keller Piece 66"t, 46"w, 6"d, Western Red Cedar bark, Madrona Branches, Handmade Cedar Bark Paper Cedar Mail Basket Woven Cedar Mail Basket Cedar Bark, Plum Limbs, Madrona Wood, Yew Button, Cedar Bark Paper, Wild Cherry Two Small Cedar Wings by Melinda West Two Small Cedar Wings by Melinda West Little Gem With Button Little Gem of the Forest by Melinda West Cedar and Iris Fan with Kitty Cedar and Willow Bare Bones Abstracts by Melinda West Materials: Pealed Fig, Hazelnut, Willow, Yew, Curly Willow, False Sinew, Inner Cedar Bark Better Together Cedar bark, cedar wood buttons, Hazelnut limbs, stone, shell, cedar bark paper Old Man Pouch Cedar bark, Roots, and paper, Plum Limb, Iris Pods, Feathers Mother Mother, by Melinda West Cedar Bark Form on Bull Kelp Western Red Cedar Bark, Handmade Paper, Stone, Logger's Daughter Button, Bull Kelp Four Cedar Wings Tahoma - Four Cedar Wings Cedar bark installation Poulsbo Public Library Cedar Bark Form on Hazelnut Western Red Cedar Bark, Handmade Cedar Paper, Stone, Hazelnut Limbs, Yew Button Cedar Form on Madrona The Keller Piece installed DeMer’s Cedar and Iris Fan Lopez Wing Wagoner’s Cedar and Iris Fan 38" x 36" x 2" Cedar Form on Hazel Newman’s Cedar and Iris Fan Woven Cedar and Driftwood Assorted Cedar Forms Kulshan Rainbow Cedar Form with Agate Wild Cherry on Madrona Cedar Wing Woven cedar bark, cedar paper, plum branches, turkey feathers Cherry on Driftwood, front Shaped wild cherry bark, driftwood Cedar Form on Willow Peggie's Regalia Directions Cedar Vest Woven pounded cedar bark, cedar rope, cedar limb Detail, Cedar Vest Twined pounded cedar bark Wild Cherry on Bull kelp Another view, shaped wild cherry bark, vine maple buttons, bull kelp Detail, Wild Cherry on Bull Kelp Inside pouch Grass Fan Grass stalks, seeds, grass paper and cordage Detail, Madrona on Curly Willow Inside view Madrona with Stone Shaped Madrona bark stone Cedar and Iris Fan Woven cedar, iris seed stalks, mixed grass paper Salmon Wing 5' x 5' woven cedar bark wall piece features "salmon gill" design Detail, Iris and Cedar Iris and Cedar Woven cedar bark over iris stalks Bare Bones With Thimbleberry Salish Sea Woven Cedar Bark, mixed grass paper, copper, bamboo Iris and Cedar Fan Woven cedar over iris stalks, mixed grass paper Fig Bark Scroll-Bark Side Memory Fig Bark Scroll-Inner Bark Side Bare Bones Maple Pealed Big Leaf Maple, Bonsai Wire, Waxed Thread Cedar Bark & Paper, Plum Limbs, Yew Buttons, Gold Paint Cedar Bark, Plum & Hazel Limbs, Antler Button Cedar Bark, Red Osier Dogwood Little Gem by Melinda West Cedar Bark, Bull Kelp, Lungwart, Lichen, Cedar Root, Stone Detail, Little Gem by Melinda West Lyons, Cedar By The Sea - A Lyons, Cedar By The Sea - A, 38”t x 34”w x 9” d, Inner Cedar Bark, Driftwood Roots, Handmade Cedar Bark Paper, Stone, Bonsai Wire, Linen Detail: Cedar By The Sea - Form A Detail: Cedar By The Sea - Form A Detail: Lyons, Cedar By The Sea - B Lyons, Cedar By The Sea - B Lyons, Cedar By The Sea - B, 60”t x 20”w x 8.5”d, Inner Cedar Bark, Driftwood Roots, Handmade Cedar Bark Paper, Stone, Bonsai Wire, Lichen, Linen O - Vertical, by Melinda West O - Vertical, Handmade Cedar Bark, and Mixed Grass Paper, Canvas, Acrylic Paints, each panel is 11”x 11” Bare Bones One by Melinda West Assorted pealed limbs, inner cedar bark, false sinew Bare Bones Two by Melinda West Pealed limbs, inner cedar bark, false sinew To order or for more information please contact Melinda.