This section documents many of the workshops I’ve done where an immersive experience with Western Red Cedar is my emphasis and goal, more than any product that students may create. The names of these workshops, their duration, and the project outcomes are varied to fit the venues I was invited to teach in.
Cedar From Tree To Pouch, Cedar From Bark To Basket, Artistic Cedar Weaving, Cedar Limb Bread Tray, Woven Cedar Satchel, Woven Cedar Wall Basket, Small Woven Cedar Basket, Small Cedar Projects, are some of the workshops I have offered. Also featured here are some of the wonderful teachers who offered their talents to help establish the Basketry Program at the Bainbridge Artisans Resource Network (BARN).
Repost of a 2020 Interview with J & M Davidson for London Craft Week
Blowing the dust off of piles of past work, I found this interview from The Covid Era which may be of interest.
Ed Carriere’s Residency at Bloedel Reserve
Had a lovely visit with Suquamish Elders Ed Carriere and Marilyn Wandrey at the Bloedel Reserve on Bainbridge Island, Washington.
Kathey Ervin’s Cedar Workshop at BARN
Highlights from Kathey Ervin’s “Weaving With NW Gold – Pick Your Own Project” Workshop at BARN.