I'll be teaching a fun class inspired by the Northwest landscape and First Peoples traditional uses of the plant fiber resources. Come to this rejuvenating Artist's Retreat in the beautiful North Cascades. Be sure to ask NCI about how to qualify for a partial tuition scholarship. A description and details are available at the North Cascades … [Read more...]
Clam Shell Rattle Necklace
Using materials from three important Northwest ecosystems: forest, shoreline, and estuary, students learn plant fiber technologies to construct a Clam Shell Rattle Necklace. Using clam shells from the Salish Sea's inter-tidal zone, cedar limbs from the lowland forest, and NW sweetgrass from the estuary, learn plant fiber … [Read more...]
The Cedar Experience
Participants learn to make either a: Woven Cedar Mat Necklace, (as you see pictured below at IslandWood), a Woven Cedar Wall Hanging, or a Small Cedar Bark Basket. The Cedar Experience is a class designed to give learners of any age the opportunity to experience the gifts of Western Red Cedar through the hands, heart, … [Read more...]
Small Cedar Baskets
Students learn to make small bark baskets using the inner bark of the Western Red Cedar, a tree highly valued by First Peoples cultures of the Pacific Northwest. Learn why the Western Red Cedar has been referred to as "Long-Life-Maker' by the First Peoples of the Pacific Northwest as you experience the process of … [Read more...]